[Japanese Audio] How can Japanese capital markets contribute to a sustainable society?


**This video is in Japanese, the English version can be found here**

The 5th annual sustainable finance conference from the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and the Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA) focused on the role of climate transition bonds, social bonds, and sustainability-linked bonds in encouraging ESG themed bond market.

Although we have seen considerable progress in the green bond market in Japan with an increasing number of issues from the private sector, as yet there has been less issuance of the newer products, transition bonds, social bonds and sustainability-linked bonds.

This event looked at the benefits of issuing these bonds, introducing case studies from global and Japanese markets, and consider the conditions needed to encourage growth in the market, including recent initiatives from the Japanese government.

For further resources and speaker biographies, please visit the event website.

View speaker presentation slides below
Niall Bohan, Director, Asset and Financial Risk Management, Directorate-General for the EU Budget, European Commission
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Yuta Nakamura, Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK Line)
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Motoko Ogawa, Deputy Director of Environmental Economy Office, Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environmental Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan (METI)
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Takashi Mizutani, General Manager of CSV (Creating Shared Value), Promotion Office,  Fuyo General Lease Co., Ltd.
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