Asset Management

ICMA is one of the few trade associations that includes both buy-side and sell-side representation, the ICMA buyside community gathers via the Asset Management and Investors Council (AMIC).

Throughout 2024, ICMA’s Asset Management & Investors Council has engaged on Regulatory Issues through in-person meetings as well as by responding to consultations.

On the back of its ongoing engagement on AIFMD and UCITS, in October 2024, AMIC took the opportunity to provide feedback on ESMA’s proposed Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on the characteristics of liquidity management tools (LMTs), as well as the Guidelines on the selection and calibration of LMTs for AIFMD and UCITS.

In November, AMIC led an ICMA-wide response to the European Commission’s Consultation on Assessing the adequacy of macroprudential policies for Non-Bank Financial Intermediation (NBFI).

The objective of the consultation was to seek views on the adequacy of the macroprudential framework for NBFI.

In December 2024, ICMA created a sellside-buyside taskforce to respond to the European Commission’s Targeted Consultation on the Functioning of the EU Securitisation Framework by providing practical changes necessary to improve the effectiveness of Europe’s Securitisation Framework. ICMA is supportive of efforts by the European Commission to revive the European securitisation market to create deeper capital markets, support economic growth in the EU and contribute to the EU Savings and Investment Union

This year’s AMIC Forum, held in London in October, “Mind the Gaps – Savings, Investment and Financing the Real Economy” discussed topics which form part of the EU’s strategic agenda for this Parliamentary term.

Throughout 2024, AMIC has continued its effective partnership with the ICMA Sustainable Finance Team and The Principles.

Looking ahead to 2025 AMIC expects NBFI and Securitisation to be major topics for focus.


Nicolette Moser

Nicolette Moser

Senior Director, Market Practice and Regulatory Policy

Irene Rey

Irene Rey

Associate Director, Market Practice and Regulatory Policy


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