Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already changing the way we work, and is set to become one of the most prominent and transformational technologies in Capital Markets. The exponential growth of this field has meant that ICMA’s FinTech Advisory Committee has supported the creation of our AICM Working Group to bring members together in a discussion forum for education and to raise awareness on the topic of AI. Whilst the benefits of increased efficiency and performance are well-known, AI governance frameworks are becoming increasingly important to address the risks posed that may not be covered by current, in place, structures. This working group seeks to help educate our members on AI, to encourage resilient and well-functioning international capital markets.
Objectives: To provide a forum for education on the topic of AI, including prominent use cases, responding to relevant consultations by regulatory authorities and market practice discussions. This will be done via regular meetings and tailored sessions for individual interest groups.
Membership: The group is open to all ICMA members and brings together a broad constituency including banks, central banks, investors, issuers, market infrastructures, law firms and vendor firms. The group may also invite guests and observers to attend meetings.
Please contact us if you would like to join:
30 January 2025
ICMA response to FCA consultation on current and future uses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in UK financial services, as well as the financial services regulatory framework
13 September 2024
ICMA response to European Commission consultation on AI in Financial Services
Georgina Jarratt
Managing Director, Head of FinTech and Digitalisation; Member of the ICMA Executive Committee
Direct line: +44 20 7213 0348
Emma Thomas
Associate, FinTech and Digitalisation; Secretary to the Artificial Intelligence in Capital Markets (AICM) Working Group
Direct line: +44 20 7213 0340