Diploma holders
Click on the links below to look up holders of ICMA's:
- Diploma in Debt Capital Markets
- Diploma in Securities and Derivatives
- Diploma in Financial Market Operations
Certificate holders
Click on the links below to look up holders of ICMA's:
- Financial Markets Foundation Qualification (FMFQ) (previously known as the Financial Markets Foundation Course (FMFC))
- Introduction to Bond Markets Qualification (IBMQ) Previously known as Introduction to Fixed Income Qualification (IFIQ)
- Introduction to Primary Markets Qualification (IPMQ)
- Introduction to Securities Operations Qualification (ISOQ) (Previously known as the Securities Operations Foundation Qualification (SOFQ) and Securities Operations Foundation Course (SOFC))
- Introduction to Sustainable Bonds
- Introduction to Repo
- ICMA Fixed Income Certificate (FIC) (previously known as the AIBD European Seminar Diploma, the General Certification Programme (GCP), the General Certificate Programme (GCP) and the International Fixed Income and Derivatives (IFID) Certificate Programme)
- ICMA Sustainable Bond Certificate
- Operations Certificate Programme (OCP) (previously known as the AIBD Operations Seminar Certificate and the Foundation Certificate Programme (FCP))
- Primary Market Certificate (PMC) (previously known as the IPMA Diploma)
Corporate Finance Consultant Certificate (CFC) certificate holders
Click here to look up holders of the Corporate Finance Consultant (CFC) Certificate Programme.