Photos, speeches and presentations

Venue: Sands Expo & Convention Centre

The 2023 Annual Conference of the Green, Social, Sustainability and Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles (collectively known as the “Principles”) was held in Singapore on Wednesday 28 June with the Monetary Authority of Singapore as the Supporting Partner.

The Principles are the leading framework globally for the issuance of sustainable bonds and are the de facto standard referenced by over 98% of sustainable bond issuance internationally. The Principles underpin a market representing near $3 trillion of securities in stock, the largest source of debt capital finance available for sustainable projects and transition finance.

The full day conference agenda combined keynote speeches and panel discussions with leading market figures and experts in sustainable finance. It featured key updates on the 2023 guidance from the Principles, the Asia Pacific perspective, as well as the critical topics being debated in sustainable finance including regulation, market integrity and climate transition finance.

Supporting Partner    Held in


Lead Sponsors



09:00   Registration
09:30   Welcome remarks
Bryan Pascoe, Chief Executive, ICMA
09:40   Keynote address
Ms Indranee Rajah, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for Finance and National Development
09:55   2023 Innovations and Guidance from the Principles
Moderator: Nicholas Pfaff, Deputy Chief Executive, Head of Sustainable Finance, ICMA
  • Angela Brusas, Director, Funding and Investor Relations, Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) and Member of the Executive Committee of the Principles
  • Agnes Gourc, Head Sustainable Capital Markets, BNP Paribas and Vice chair of the Executive Committee of the Principles
  • Isabelle Laurent, Deputy Treasurer, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Chair of the Executive Committee of the Principles
10:45   Keynote address
Loh Boon-Chye, Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Exchange
10:55   Break
11:25   The regional perspective
Moderator: Mushtaq Kapasi, Managing Director and Head of ICMA Asia Pacific
  • Gladys Chua, Chief Executive Officer, RAM Sustainability
  • Puja Shah, Executive Director, DCM and Head ESG DCM, AXJ, JP Morgan
  • Rahul Sheth, Global Head of Sustainable Bonds, Standard Chartered
  • Sheng Ou Yong, Green Bonds & ESG Analyst APAC, BNP Paribas Asset Management 
12:25   Lunch
13:25   Keynote address
Shinichi Kihara, Deputy Director General for Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan (METI)
13:35   Achieving Net zero—the contribution from the sustainable bond markets
Moderator: Reiko Hayashi, Director and Deputy president, BofA Securities Japan
  • Mariano Benito Zamarriego, Director of Financing, Repsol [Virtual]
  • Bridget Boulle, Director of Technical Development, Climate Bond Initiative [Virtual]
  • Alban de Faÿ, Head of Fixed Income SRI Processes, Amundi Asset Management
  • Sean Henderson, Managing Director & Co Head of Debt Capital Markets Asia Pacific, HSBC
  • Shinichi Kihara, Deputy Director General for Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan (METI)
14:25   Issuer perspectives on the changing landscape of sustainable finance
Moderator: Colleen Keenan, Senior Financial Officer, Capital Markets and Investments, World Bank Treasury
  • Modupe Famakinwa, Head of Funding, Treasury, African Finance Corporation [Virtual]
  • Domenico Nardelli, Treasurer, AIIB
  • Arturo Seco Presencio, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)
15:00   Keynote: The role that the ISSB standards can play to support the development of sustainable capital markets across Asia
Jingdong Hua, Vice Chair, International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)
15:10   Integrating and complementing the Principles through regulatory guidance
Moderator: Eugene Wong, CEO, Sustainable Finance Institute Asia
  • Eila Kreivi, Director, Chief Sustainable Finance Advisor, EIB
  • Kelvin Lester Lee, Commissioner, Securities and Exchange Commission Philippines
  • Jarek Olszowka, Head of International Sustainable Finance, Nomura
  • Yao Wang, Professor and Director-General, International Institute of Green Finance
  • Azreen Idayu Zainal, General Manager, Securities Commission Malaysia
16:00   Break
16:30   International cooperation on climate change – remarks from the Climate Investment Summit in London
  • Jens Nielsen, CEO and Founder of World Climate Foundation and Director of Climate Investment Coalition [Virtual]
  • Peter Damgaard Jensen, Co-Chair of the Climate Investment Coalition, Board member of the World Climate Foundation and Chairman of AIP [Virtual]
16:35   Keynote address
Liew Tzu Mi, Chief Investment Officer, Fixed Income and Multi Asset, and Chair, Sustainability Committee, GIC
16:45   Ensuring market integrity and addressing greenwashing concerns
Moderator: Orith Azoulay, Global Head of Green & Sustainable Finance, Natixis CIB
  • Julie Becker, CEO, Luxembourg Stock Exchange [Virtual]
  • Bram Bos, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs Asset Management
  • Nicole Della Vedova, Head of Corporate Finance, ENEL Group [Virtual]
  • Christa Clapp, Managing Director, Sustainable Finance, Shades of Green, formerly part of CICERO, now a part of S&P Global 
  • Cedric Rimaud, Senior Credit Analyst, Asia Pacific, Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute
  • Rahul Ghosh, Managing Director, Sustainable Finance, Moody’s Investors Service
17:45   Closing Remarks
Mary Schapiro, Vice Chair, Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero [Virtual]
17:55   Networking reception
19:00   Event close



All event photos can be viewed here.

Session recordings

Keynote address
Ms Indranee Rajah, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for Finance and National Development

2023 Innovations and Guidance from the Principles
Presentation slides

Keynote address
Loh Boon-Chye, Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Exchange

The regional perspective

Keynote address
Shinichi Kihara, Deputy Director General for Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan (METI)
Presentation slides

Achieving Net zero—the contribution from the sustainable bond markets

Issuer perspectives on the changing landscape of sustainable finance

Keynote: The role that the ISSB standards can play to support the development of sustainable capital markets across Asia
Jingdong Hua, Vice Chair, International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)

Integrating and complementing the Principles through regulatory guidance

Keynote address
Liew Tzu Mi, Chief Investment Officer, Fixed Income and Multi Asset, and Chair, Sustainability Committee, GIC

Ensuring market integrity and addressing greenwashing concerns

Closing Remarks
Mary Schapiro, Vice Chair, Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero

Overview of the latest developments in the sustainable bond markets: an ICMA and BofA Securities training workshop (by invitation only)
Organised by: ICMA and BofA Securities
Time: 08:30 - 16:30 SGT, Tuesday, June 27
Venue: The Westin Singapore

ICMA and BofA Securities will hold a one-day training workshop aimed at regulators, issuers, investors and other market participants from the APAC region on June 27 at the Westin Singapore. The workshop will cover a comprehensive range of topics including: an overview of the Principles, financing themes such as climate transition, blue and biodiversity, overview of the EU/ASEAN taxonomies, an update on external reviews, disclosures and reporting as well as a case study on sustainability-linked bond issuance. Presenters will include representatives from ICMA, IFC, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, BofA Securities, RAM Sustainability and Dentons Hong Kong.
Roundtable on Singapore GFIT Taxonomy (invitation only)
Organised by ICMA
Time: 10:00-11:30 SGT, Tuesday, 27 June 2023
Venue: Singapore
Roundtable on global and Asian transition finance (invitation only)
Organised by ICMA
Time: 15:30-17:00 SGT, Tuesday, 27 June 2023
Venue: Singapore


Our Sustainability efforts

ICMA has taken steps to make the 9th Annual Conference of the Principles a sustainable event, including offsetting 110% of its staff travel carbon footprint to Singapore, investing in projects focused on climate mitigation and biodiversity preservation through rainforest, peatland and mangrove protection in Indonesian Borneo, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Madagascar.

All catering will be 100% vegetarian with no use of plastic.


Marina Bay Sands have decoupled their carbon footprint from business growth, and since 2012, have reduced their carbon footprint by over 40%.

By harnessing cutting-edge technology, Marina Bay Sands constantly create innovative solutions that exceed global sustainability standards. 

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