
Format: Hybrid
Venue: KABUTO ONE HALL & CONFERENCE, 4F, 7-1, Kabuto-chō, Nihombashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Event overview


The ICMA & JSDA Annual Sustainable Bond Conference - financing a decarbonised and fair society through Sustainable Bonds, presented by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and the Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA), discussed the progress and prospects of the sustainable bond market, in a hybrid format with in-person side taking place in Tokyo.

Over the past years Japan’s sustainable bond market has grown substantially, from USD12.7 billion in 2019 to USD37.9 billion in 2021, whilst the issuance in 2022 has topped USD 32 billion so far. Green bonds dominate the Japanese sustainable bond market and account for 46% of total issuance year-to-date, followed by social (30%), sustainability (15%) and sustainability-linked (9%) bonds.

The 6th edition of this annual conference focused on the further development of transition themed bonds, a deep dive into the emerging issues in use of proceeds bond market (e.g. green bonds, social bonds, and sustainability bonds),
 and expectations for sustainability-linked bonds in the Japanese market, with various case studies and key initiatives from the Japanese government and the private sector.

In partnership with:


  Welcome & Opening Speech
Toshio Morita
, Chairman and CEO, JSDA
Bryan Pascoe, Chief Executive, ICMA *video message
13:10   Guest speech
Makoto Nagamine
, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
  Panel 1: Towards carbon neutrality with the support of climate transition finance
Reiko Hayashi, Director and Deputy President, BofA Securities Co., Ltd.; Member, JSDA SDGs Council; Member, ICMA Board

Yuki Kusumi, Group CEO, Panasonic Holdings Corporation  PowerPoint
Sean Kidney
, CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative
Fumihiro Kajikawa, Director, Environmental Economy Office, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Anjuli Pandit, Managing Director, Head of Sustainable Bonds for EMEA and the Americas, HSBC Bank plc
Kazuyuki Shigemoto, Managing Executive Officer, Chief General Manager of Investment, The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited  PowerPoint
Ryosuke Tamura, Executive Director, General Manager of ESG Finance & Product Innovation Division, Investment Banking Business Unit, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd.  
(14:20-)   (Coffee break)
  Guest speech
Yuki Yasui
, Managing Director, Asia Pacific Network, Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ)  PowerPoint
  Panel 2: Best Practices and Developments in the GSS Bond Market (e.g. Green, Social, and Sustainability bonds)
Nicholas Pfaff, Deputy CEO and Head of Sustainable Finance, ICMA; Secretary of the Green Bond Principles (GBP) and the Social Bond Principles (SBP)  PowerPoint

Atsuko Kajiwara, Senior Executive Officer, Head of Sustainable Finance Evaluation Group, Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd.  PowerPoint
Mehdi Bary, Global Fixed Income - ESG Investment Research, BlackRock
David Jenkins, Global Head of Sustainable Finance, Corporate & Institutional Banking, National Australia Bank
Yasunobu Katsuki, SDGs Primary Analyst, Sustainability Promotion Dept., Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
Toru Sakamoto, Managing Executive Officer, Maruha Nichiro Corporation   PowerPoint
Peter Munro, Head of Investor Relations and Sustainable Finance, European Investment Bank
(15:50-)   (Coffee break)
16:10   Guest speech
Junichi Nakajima
, Commissioner, Japanese Financial Service Agency (JFSA)
  Panel 3: Sustainability Linked Bonds - market developments in Japan
Tamami Ota, Head of Office of Sustainable Finance Research Unit, Financial & Capital Market Research Dpt., Daiwa Institute of Research Ltd. 

Paul O'Connor, Head of EMEA ESG Debt Capital Markets, J.P. Morgan
Ketish Pothalingam, Portfolio Manager, Executive Vice President, PIMCO
Ryosuke Imai, Director, Environment and Economy Division Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of the Environment
Kimihiro Nakahori, Executive Vice President, Group Chief Financial Officer, ANA Holdings Inc.
Kazuyuki Aihara, Head of Sustainable Finance Products, Sustainable Finance Dept., Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.



Closing remarks 
Nicholas Pfaff, Deputy CEO and Head of Sustainable Finance, ICMA; Secretary of the Green Bond Principles (GBP) and the Social Bond Principles (SBP)

17:25   Event close

 *Agenda is subject to change

 *Simultaneous interpretation (English/Japanese) is available

Welcome & Opening Speech

  Toshio Morita                                                                        
Chairman and CEO, JSDA

Toshio Morita is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA). Before assuming the current position in July 2021, Mr. Morita was Representative Director and President of Nomura Securities Co. Ltd. and Director and Representative Executive Officer of Nomura Holdings, Inc., after serving various leadership roles in the largest securities firm in Japan.

Mr. Morita joined Nomura in April 1985. After working with individual investors at domestic branches, he took leadership roles such as Senior Managing Director for retail business in 2008, Executive Vice President (Head of Retail Business) in 2012, Deputy President for investment banking and President in 2017. He concurrently served as Group Co-COO in 2018, and Representative Executive Officer Representative Executive Officer in 2020 at Nomura Holdings, Inc.








  Bryan Pascoe                                                                        
Chief Executive, International Capital Market Association (ICMA)

Bryan Pascoe took over the role of Chief Executive of the International Capital Market Association in September 2021, assuming responsibility for leading ICMA’s work with its global membership of over 600 entities representing all constituent participants across all regions in the international debt capital market markets. The primary mission of ICMA is to promote resilient, well-functioning and globally coherent fixed income markets through both effective regulatory advocacy and the advancement of best practice. ICMA’s mandate covers all elements of primary, secondary and repo and collateral markets with core focus also on Sustainable Finance and the application of Fintech and Digitalisation to the future of capital markets.

Prior to joining ICMA, Bryan built up almost 30 years of experience across investment and corporate banking, global markets businesses and bank treasury functions in London, Hong Kong and the Middle East. Most of his previous career was spent at HSBC where he held high profile and large-scale leadership positions across both prominent front-line business areas and critical functions including Global Head of Debt Syndicate, Global Head of Debt Capital Markets, and Group Treasurer and Head of Asset, Liability and Capital Management through times of considerable market development, challenge and disruption. Bryan began his career in 1992 on the Morgan Stanley Investment Banking Analyst Programme.

Non-executive functions include:
• Member of the Bond Market Contact Group (BMCG) of the European Central Bank (ECB)
• Board member of the International Council of Securities Associations (ICSA)
Guest Speech




  Makoto Nagamine                                                                        
Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry                                                                        

Mr. Nagamine Makoto was appointed Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Industry and Parliamentary Secretary of the Cabinet Office in August 2022. Prior to his current appointment at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Mr. Nagamine served in senior positions in Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).

Mr. Nagamine joins METI from Japan’s House of Councillors, where he is a Member representing Miyazaki Prefecture on Kyushu, the southernmost of Japan’s four main islands. He was first elected to the House of Councillors in 2013 and has successfully reelected in 2019. During his time as a Member of the House of Councillors, he has served as Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Finance and Chairperson, Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense.

Previously, Mr. Nagamine was active in local politics in Miyazaki Prefecture, serving as Mayor of Miyakonojo City and as a Member of the Miyazaki Prefectural Assembly for three consecutive terms.

Mr. Nagamine is a graduate of Waseda University’s School of Political Science and Economics where he majored in Political Science.
He was born on August 2, 1969, in Miyazaki Prefecture.

経済産業大臣政務官   長峯 誠(ながみね まこと)


  Yuki Yasui
Managing Director, Asia Pacific Network, Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ)

Yuki is the Director overseeing the Asia Pacific (APAC) Network for the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) which was launched in June 2022. She is focused on bringing together the financial sector across developed and emerging APAC to accelerate an inclusive and just transition to a net-zero economy.

Prior to joining GFANZ, she was at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Finance Initiative for 20 years and leading its activities in Asia Pacific for the last four years. She has represented UNEP FI at all three major sustainability reporting initiatives, GRI, IIRC and SASB, at various points in time. Other projects include developing and running the UNEP FI online course on climate change for the finance sector and representation at Rio+20.

She is a qualified chartered accountant in the UK (ICAEW) and trained and worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers. She is currently based in Singapore and has worked in Bangkok, Geneva and London.

  Junichi Nakajima                                                                        
Commissioner, Japanese Financial Services Agency (JFSA)

Junichi Nakajima has served as Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency (FSA) since July 2021. He joined the Ministry of Finance (MOF) in 1985 and assumed various positions mainly at the FSA and the MOF including
  • Director-General, Strategy Development and Management Bureau, FSA
  • Director-General, Policy and Markets Bureau, FSA
  • Vice Commissioner, Strategy Development and Management Bureau (responsible for human resources management and policy coordination), FSA
  • Deputy Director-General, Planning and Coordination Bureau (responsible for financial markets and exchanges), FSA
  • Deputy Director-General, Planning and Coordination Bureau (responsible for credit systems), FSA
  • Director, General Coordination Division, Planning and Coordination Bureau, FSA
  • Director, Policy and Legal Division, Planning and Coordination Bureau, FSA
  • Director, Debt Management Policy Division, Finance Bureau, MOF
  • General Manager, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Vancouver
He graduated from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tokyo in 1985 and Harvard Kennedy School in 1995.

中島 淳一 (なかじま じゅんいち)
1985年東京大学工学部卒業、同年大蔵省(現 財務省)入省。1995年ハーバード大学修士。その後、JETROバンクーバー事務所長、財務省理財局国債企画課長、金融庁総務企画局政策課長、同総務課長、同審議官、総合政策局総括審議官、企画市場局長、総合政策局長を経て、2021年7月より現職。
Panel 1

  Reiko Hayashi                                                                        
Director and Deputy President, BofA Securities Co., Ltd.; Member, JSDA SDGs Council; Member, ICMA Board; Member, JFSA Exert Panel on Sustainable Finance; Member, JFSA Working Group on Social Bonds

Reiko Hayashi is director and deputy president of Merrill Lynch Japan Securities Co., Ltd.

In these roles, she oversees the firm’s interactions with regulators and government departments in Japan and is responsible for overseeing the governance framework across the business.

Reiko is also responsible for driving Environmental, Social and Governance client initiatives for the business. As chair of the Japan Philanthropy Committee and co-chair of the LGBT Pride employee network in Japan, she has been instrumental in implementing several programs, including Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s Women’s Career Forum.

Reiko has been with the firm since 2000 and has held a number of senior positions in investment banking, including head of Japan Global Capital Markets.

In 2015, Reiko was featured in FinanceAsia’s list of influential women in finance. She holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from The University of Tokyo and a master’s degree in Educational Sociology from The Graduate School of The University of Tokyo. In 2016, she became a non-executive auditor at National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS). Reiko is also a member of the Council for Promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Japan Securities Dealers Associate (JSDA), Board Member of International Capital Market Association (ICMA),  a member of the Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance as well as a member of the Working Group on Social Bonds.

1985年    東京大学 教養学科国際関係論学科 卒業
1987年    東京大学大学院教育社会学研究科修士課程修了
1987年    シティバンクNA入行  国際金融本部
1989年    パリバ証券 入社 国際金融部
2000年    メリルリンチ証券会社 (現メリルリンチ日本証券株式会社)入社 資本市場本部
2003年    資本市場本部 資本市場グループ部長
2004年    投資銀行部門 債券資本市場部
マネージング ディレクター

コーポレート アンド パブリック ファイナンス グループ部長
2006年    投資銀行部門 公共法人部長
2011年    債券資本市場部長
2014年    資本市場部門長
2017年    副会長、資本市場部門チェアマン
2019年    取締役 副社長
弊社のPhilanthropy CommitteeのChair、LGBT+ Ally ネットワークのCo-Chairを務める
  Sean Kidney                                                                        
CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative

Sean Kidney is CEO of the Climate Bonds Initiative, an international NGO working to mobilize global capital for climate action. Projects include a green bond definitions and certification scheme with $34 trillion of assets represented on its Board and some 200 organizations involved in its development and governance; working with the Chinese central bank on how to grow green bonds in China; and market development programs in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Nigeria and East Africa.

He is a member of the European Commission's Platform on Sustainable Finance, and was a member of its predecessors, the 2017 EU High Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance and the EU Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance. He is also a member of green finance advisory groups in China, India, Mexico and Kazakhstan and an Advisory Board member of the International Sustainable Financial Centre in Prague.

He has previously been a consultant on green bonds to the United Nations Secretary General, a member of the Peoples Bank of China Green Finance Task Force and a member of the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Expert Committee on Climate Finance.

Sean is also a Professor in Practice at SOAS University of London.

For the past three years he has been voted GlobalCapital magazine’s “Most Influential Champion” of the sustainable finance market.

  Yuki Kusumi                                                                        
Group CEO, Panasonic Holdings Corporation

・Place of Birth : Nara, Japan
・Diploma : Graduated from the faculty of Engineering at Kyoto University, in 1989
・April 1989 Joined Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
・October 2002 Managing Director, Panasonic R&D division in Europe
・April 2008 General Manager, Corporate R&D Strategy Office
・October 2012 Director, Television Business Unit, AV Network Business Group, AVC Networks Company, Panasonic Corporation
・April 2014 Executive Officer, Panasonic Corporation, Senior Vice President, Appliances Company
・April 2019 Managing Executive Officer, Panasonic Corporation, CEO, Automotive Company
・October 2021 Representative Director, President, Panasonic Corporation, Group Chief Executive Officer, Group Chief Strategy Officer
・April 2022 Representative Director, President, Panasonic Holdings Corporation, Group Chief Executive Officer, Group Chief Strategy Officer

出身地 :奈良県
1989年 3月 京都大学大学院工学研究科 応用システム科学専攻博士課程前期(修士)修了
1989年 4月 松下電器産業株式会社へ入社
2002年 10月 ヨーロッパ松下電器株式会社 パナソニック欧州R&Dセンター 所長
2008年 4月 松下電器産業株式会社 コーポレートR&D戦略室 室長
2012年 10月 パナソニック株式会社 理事AVCネットワークス社 AVネットワーク事業グループ テレビビジネスユニット ビジネスユニット長2014年 4月 パナソニック株式会社 役員 アプライアンス社 上席副社長
2019年 4月 パナソニック株式会社 常務執行役員 オートモーティブ社 社長
2021年 10月 パナソニック株式会社 代表取締役 社長執行役員 グループCEO、グループCSO
2022年 4月 パナソニック ホールディングス株式会社 代表取締役 社長執行役員 グループCEO グループCSO


Fumihiro Kajikawa                                                                        
Director, Environmental Economy Office, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

Mr. Fumihiro KAJIKAWA is the Director for the Environmental Economy Office. After entering the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 2022, he has served in various positions such as in SME finance, IT policy, design policy, formulation of economic growth policy, human resource development and employment policy for increasing competitiveness, internal HR development, healthcare industry development, and macroeconomic research and analysis. Mr. Kajikawa also serves on the board of Future Center Alliance Japan (FCAJ).

梶川文博(かじかわ ふみひろ)
経済産業省 産業技術環境局 環境経済室長


  Anjuli Pandit                                                                         
Managing Director, Head of Sustainable Bonds for EMEA and the Americas
HSBC Bank plc

Anjuli runs the sustainable bonds desk for HSBC in EMEA and Americas, supporting clients both with structuring ESG frameworks but also navigating evolving investor behaviour through ESG integration. Previously Anjuli worked at BNP Paribas, where she led ESG for BNP Paribas’ debt syndicate desk, developing deep relationships with both ESG bond issuers and investors.

Prior to that, she headed corporates sustainability for BNP Paribas in the UK, and helped to define the firmwidesustainable financing agenda.

Anjuli also worked in the corporate sector at the Tata Group, in various roles including managing public policy in the Group Chairman’s office and heading marketing for an ESG data solutions offering for their IT business, TCS.

Anjuli has a rich and varied background in ESG, having worked with a number of organisations such as Al Gore’s The Climate Reality Project, Greenlight Planet, and The International Energy Agency.

She has also served as advisor to several NGOs on poverty alleviation and rural employment. Anjuli is personally focused on climate action, and is regularly involved in expeditions to the Arctic and the Antarctic to study the effects of ice melt and advocate for the protection of the polar regions.

  Kazuyuki Shigemoto                                                                        
Managing Executive Officer, Chief General Manager of Investment, The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited

Mar, 1991    Graduated from the University of Tokyo (Japan) Bachelor of Science
Jun, 1999    Graduated from Carnegie Mellon University (USA) MBA degree from Graduate School of Industrial Administration

Apr, 1991      Joined The Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance Company
Apr, 2004      Manager, Fixed Income Investment Dept.
Apr, 2005      Executive Vice President, Investment Research Team, Dai-ichi Life International (USA)
Apr, 2007      Manager, Global Fixed Income Investment Dept., Dai-ichi Life
Apr, 2009      Deputy General Manager, Global Fixed Income Investment Dept.
Apr, 2011      Deputy General Manager, Product Development Group, DIAM Co., Ltd.
Apr, 2013      General Manager, Business Development Group, DIAM Co., Ltd.
Apr, 2014      General Manager, Global Fixed Income Investment Dept., Dai-ichi Life
Apr, 2017   General Manager, Investment Planning Dept.
Apr, 2019   Executive Officer, Chief General Manager, Investment
Apr, 2022      Managing Executive Officer, Chief General Manager, Investment

第一生命保険株式会社 常務執行役員   重本 和之

1991年3月東京大学 理学部卒業
1991年4月 第一生命保険相互会社入社
2012年4月 DIAMアセットマネジメント(現アセットマネジメントOne株式会社) 部長待遇
2014年4月 第一生命保険株式会社 外国債券部長
2016年10月 第一生命保険株式会社 外国債券部長
2017年4月 同社 運用企画部長
2019年4月 同社 執行役員 投資本部長
2022年4月 同社 常務執行役員 投資本部長(現職)





  Ryosuke Tamura                                                                        
Executive Director, General Manager of ESG Finance & Product Innovation Division, Investment Banking Business Unit, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd.

Mr. Ryosuke Tamura is General Manager of ESG Finance & Product Innovation Division of Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd. since April 2022.

In this role, he is responsible for structuring ESG bonds and developing new products for the Japanese market. Prior to that, he engaged in promoting new products and ESG bonds in Debt Capital Market Division and spearheaded development of the ESG bonds market in Japan since the early days. Mr. Tamura joined the company in 2001, and started his capital market career as an arranger of securitization for different types of underlying assets in 2003. He has devoted himself to capital market development since then and led many new financial instrument developments including the first public offering of corporate hybrid bonds in the domestic market. He is also a member of the Review Committee on Green Finance by the Ministry of Environment Japan and of the Working Group on the financial instruments contributing to the SDGs by JSDA.

田村 良介

三菱UFJモルガン・スタンレー証券株式会社 投資銀行本部 エグゼクティブ・ディレクター ESGファイナンス&新商品室長


Panel 2
  Nicholas Pfaff                                                                        
Deputy Chief Executive and Head of Sustainable Finance, ICMA; 
Secretary of the Green Bond Principles (GBP) and the Social Bond Principles (SBP)

Nicholas Pfaff is a Deputy Chief Executive and at the Head of Sustainable Finance at the International Capital Market Association (ICMA). He is the Secretary of the Green, Social, Sustainability and Sustainability-linked Bond Principles and a member of the European Commission’s Platform on Sustainable Finance (PSF). He also oversees ICMA’s Paris office. Nicholas is a senior banker with extensive international experience in investment banking and capital markets, as well as in development banking. He has worked previously at Goldman Sachs, BNP Paribas and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).




Atsuko Kajiwara                                                                        
Senior Executive Officer, Head of Sustainable Finance Evaluation Group
Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd.

M.A. in Development Administration, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Ms. Kajiwara joined Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. in 2000. Until 2017, she was working as a sovereign analyst in charge of Latin America, East Europe and multinational banks. Since 2017, she is working as a head of sustainable finance evaluation. She is a committee member of MOE’s Green Finance WG, METI’s Transition Road Map WG, MITI’s WG for promoting ESG investment in the social aspects of Real Estates, etc.

梶原 敦子
株式会社日本格付研究所  常務執行役員サステナブルファイナンス評価本部長

米国ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校開発行政学修士。2000年に日本格付研究所に入社。中南米・東欧・国際機関等のソブリンアナリストを経て2017年からサステナブルファイナンス評価業務に従事。環境省 グリーンファイナンス検討会委員、経済産業省 トランジションファイナンス環境整備検討会委員、国土交通省 不動産分野の社会的課題に対応するESG 投資促進検討会委員等に従事。



Mehdi Bary                                            
Global Fixed Income - ESG Investment Research, BlackRock

Mehdi Bary is a member of the Fixed Income ESG Investment team. He works with BlackRock's Global Fixed Income team on ESG analysis and portfolio modelling with a focus on EMEA. As part of the team, Mehdi helps to integrate ESG and climate risk mitigation into the investment process. He focuses specifically on Use of Proceeds types of securities. Mehdi holds a Master's degree in Political Economy from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a Master's degree in Financial Engineering from Imperial College London. He graduated from Université Paris Dauphine with a degree in Economics. Outside of work, Mehdi is interested in political philosophy.

  David Jenkins                                                                        
Global Head of Sustainable Finance, Corporate & Institutional Banking
National Australia Bank

David leads NAB’s Sustainable Finance team and has been active in sustainable debt financing for over 10 years, having joined NAB in 2010. He is a member of NAB’s Corporate & Institutional Banking Sustainability Steer Co and works closely with treasury, risk, coverage, product and markets teams developing and originating sustainable financing and investment solutions for NAB clients across Australia, New Zealand, Asia, UK, Europe and the USA.  He has over 20 years of financial markets experience across a range of product solutions, origination and structuring roles for banks in Sydney, Hong Kong, London and New York.

David has worked with a broad range of clients including sovereigns, semi-governments, funds, financial institutions, corporates and securitisation issuers to establish their sustainable debt programmes.  The NAB Sustainable Finance team have arranged a broad range of innovative sustainable financing and investment solutions across a range of global markets including green, social, sustainability and sustainability linked bonds and loans, sustainability-linked derivatives, green deposits, green funds, green and social securitisations and green leasing solutions.

David chairs the AFMA Sustainable Finance Committee and is an active member of numerous industry bodies including the Australian Sustainable Finance Institute (ASFI), ICMA’s Green, Social and Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles, APLMA’s Green and Sustainability-linked Loans Committee, Climate Bonds Standards Industry working groups, Institute of International Finance (IIF) Sustainable Finance WG and the Australian Securitisation Forum ESG WG.

Prior to transitioning into banking David held senior project management and real estate development roles across Australia and the USA.  He holds an MBA (Finance) from London Business School, a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance & Investment from FINSIA and a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) from the University of Queensland.










  Yasunobu Katsuki                                                                        
SDGs Primary Analyst, Sustainability Promotion Dept. 
Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.

Yasunobu Katsuki joined IBJ Securities (now MIZUHO Securities) in 1998 responsible for credit research after tenures at Yamaichi Securities for 10 years. During the experience as a credit analyst for 16 years in Fixed Income Research Department, he covered Public Sectors and Structured Finance. He had been ranked high in the Nikkei Analyst Ranking for 14 consecutive years (ranked No. 1 in 2002, 2003 and 2006).

In April 2014, he moved to the Investment Banking Division where served as a consultant to issuers on strategies, and since 2019, he has been responsible for research on Sustainable Finance.

Mizuho Securities topped the league table in underwriting domestic label bonds for three consecutive years and ranked top for Structuring Agents for two years in a row.














  Toru Sakamoto                                                          
Managing Executive Officer, Maruha Nichiro Corporation

April, 1983 Taiyo Fisheries Co.,Ltd. (entered)
April, 2009 Finance Department, General Manager, Maruha Nichiro Management, Inc.
April, 2013 Public & Investor Relations, General Manager, Maruha Nichiro Holdings, Inc.
April, 2017 Corporate Planning Department, General Manager, Maruha Nichiro Corporation
May, 2018 Corporate Planning Department, Executive Officer/General Manager, Maruha Nichiro Corporation
April, 2021 Managing Executive Officer, Maruha Nichiro Corporation (present)

マルハニチロ株式会社 常務執行役員 坂本 透

昭和58年 4月 大洋漁業株式会社入社
平成21年 4月 株式会社マルハニチロマネジメント 財務部長
平成25年 4月 株式会社マルハニチロホールディングス 広報IR部長
平成29年 4月 同社 経営企画部長
平成30年 5月 同社 執行役員経営企画部長
令和 3年  4月 同社 常務執行役員





  Peter Munro                                                                        
Head of Investor Relations and Sustainable Finance, European Investment Bank

Peter was selected for an enlarged role leading IR and sustainable finance across the Finance Directorate of EIB in summer 2022. This builds on 15 years of experience leading investor relations, sustainable bond marketing and credit ratings in the Capital Markets area of the Finance team. This included leadership of some new sustainable finance advisory initiatives across the balance sheet.

He was formerly Sherpa for EIB at the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance 1.0, Member of the Executive Committee of the Green & Social Bond Principles, and a representative for Sustainable Capital Markets topics at the Network on Greening the Financial System. He was co-author of a landmark book on “Responsible Investment in Fixed Income Markets” (2022, ed. Kendall and Sullivan, published by Routledge).

He has a degree in Philosophy, Politics & Economics from Oxford University, and is an alumnus of Insead – ‘Transition to General Management’ and ‘International Marketing’, IMD – Advanced Leadership Development Programme - Building a Climate Bank, and London Business School – Corporate Finance.

During 2016-19 Peter was on secondment from EIB as Director at the International Capital Markets Association, focusing on market and product development for the Green Bond Principles, and leading development of advisory solutions. Earlier in his career, he worked in investor relations, marketing and economic analysis, at firms including Citigate Dewe Rogerson, the German Treuhandanstalt privatisation agency and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Informationsdienste.

Panel 3


  Tamami Ota                                                                        
Head of Office of Sustainable Finance Research Unit, Financial & Capital Market Research Dpt.
Daiwa Institute of Research Ltd.

Tamami Ota is Senior Researcher and Head of Office of Sustainable Finance Research Unit at Daiwa Institute of Research Ltd. She is tasked with researching sustainable finance. She also gives lectures on corporate finance as a Lecturer (part-time) at the Graduate School at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. She was previously researcher of corporate finance.








  Paul O'Connor                                                                        
Head of EMEA ESG Debt Capital Markets, J.P. Morgan

Paul is a Sustainable Finance specialist with over 25 years of experience. Paul currently leads J.P. Morgan’s ESG Debt Capital Markets offering in EMEA, developing Green and other ESG Bond propositions for issuer clients, and advising on execution in line with established market practices. Paul has experience in application of ESG subject matter expertise across the capital markets and has advised on transactions in over 30 countries throughout the EU, CEE, the US/LATAM and Asia.

Paul currently serves as a Co-ordinator of the Sustainability-Linked Bonds Working Group set up under the auspices of the GSS Principles (ICMA as secretariat) and was one of the founding members of the Climate Transition Finance Working Group. Paul also served as a member of the ‘Do No Significant Harm’ EU Taxonomy sub-working group.

Prior to joining the ESG DCM team, Paul spent 6 years in J.P. Morgan’s Global Environmental & Social Risk Management team, where he advised on ESG risks in capital markets transactions, focussing on the O&G, mining, chemicals, power utilities and soft commodities sectors. Before joining J.P. Morgan in 2012, Paul worked in Sustainability & Climate Change consulting at PwC, Environmental Risk Consulting at Arthur Andersen, and as an environmental technical specialist at Atkins Engineering Consultants. Paul also completed an internship at the European Commission (Directorate-General Environment).



  Ryosuke Imai                                                                        
Director, Environment and Economy Division Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of the Environment

Ryosuke Imai is Director of Environment Finance office at the Ministry of the Environment. In his role, he is responsible for ESG finance policies. He built his career working on climate change and energy policies, and resource circulation policies. He is currently engaged in green finance market policy making and climate related disclosure issues. In July 2022, he has led the development of the Sustainability-Linked Bond Guideline in alignment with the ICMA Principles.


  Kimihiro Nakahori                                                                        
Executive Vice President, Group Chief Financial Officer, ANA Holdings Inc.

March, 1988 Graduated from The University of Tokyo (Faculty of Economics)
April, 1998 Joined All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd.
April, 2001 Manager, Corporate Planning
April, 2007 Senior Manager, Administration, Planning & Management, Engineering & Maintenance
April, 2013 Director, Administration, Narita Airport Office
April, 2017

Vice President, Business Management, Accounting & Business Management
Vice President, Business Management, Group Accounting & Business Management, ANA HOLDINGS INC.
April, 2020

Senior Vice President, Accounting & Business Management, All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd.
Senior Vice President, Director of Finance, Accounting, Investor Relations and Business Management, ANA HOLDINGS INC.
April, 2022

Member of the Board, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Accounting & Business Management, All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd
Executive Vice President, Group Chief Financial Officer, Director of Finance, Accounting, and Investor Relations & Business Management, ANA HOLDINGS INC.

1988年3月 東京大学 経済学部 卒業
1988年4月 全日本空輸株式会社 入社
2001年4月 社長室 グループ経営推進部 主席部員
2007年4月 整備本部 企画推進部 総務チーム リーダー
2010年4月 営業推進本部 グローバルレベニューマネジメント部 データベースマーケティングチーム
2013年4月 成田空港支店 総務部長

経理・財務室 経営管理部長
ANA ホールディングス株式会社 グループ経理・財務室 経営管理部長 

執行役員 経理・財務室長 兼 経理部長
ANA ホールディングス株式会社 執行役員 グループ経理・財務室長 兼 財務企画・IR部長

取締役執行役員 財務統括責任者、経理・財務室長
ANA ホールディングス株式会社 上席執行役員 グループCFO、グループ経理・財務室長



  Kazuyuki Aihara                                                                        
Head of Sustainable Finance Products, Sustainable Finance Dept., Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.

Mr. Aihara was appointed as Nomura’s Head of ESG Products in 2017 and has led a wide range of activities such as servicing the needs of Japanese issuers in terms of origination and structuring of ESG bonds and more widely working to expedite the growth of the green/social bond markets in Japan. He has 30+ years of experience in the underwriting business in Japan and overseas.





  Ketish Pothalingam                                                                        
Portfolio Manager, Executive Vice President, PIMCO

Mr. Pothalingam is an executive vice president in the London office and a portfolio manager focusing on U.K. credit investing in the European portfolio management group. He is a member of PIMCO’s ESG (environmental, social, and governance) team, focusing on corporate credit and global bond ESG portfolios, and is PIMCO’s elected representative on the ICMA’s Green Bond Principles and Social Bond Principles Executive Committee. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2009, he was a credit fund manager with Threadneedle Investments in London. Before that, he was with Lehman Brothers in London as executive director, responsible for sterling credit trading. He previously spent 11 years with HSBC Holdings in London and Tokyo. He has 35 years of investment and financial services experience and holds an undergraduate degree from University College London and a diploma (niveau moyen) from L'Institut D'Etudes Francaises de Tours. He holds the Investment Management Certificate and is a member of the UK Society of Investment Professionals.
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