ICMA publishes report outlining how bond markets can meet future EU investment challenges


22 March 2024 ICMA has today published a report entitled “Bond markets to meet EU investment challenges”, containing regulatory policy recommendations for the next EU political cycle.

The report underlines the transformational role that bond markets can play in funding the investment that the EU needs for sustainable economic growth and competitiveness and provides recommendations on how the EU can further develop a regulatory framework supporting the ongoing development of bond markets.

In particular, ICMA is making recommendations to:

  • Build depth, liquidity and resilience in the EU’s bond markets
  • Enable EU citizens to save for their retirement by investing in bond markets
  • Reinforce the EU’s leadership in sustainable finance
  • Improve the efficiency and integration of the post-trade landscape across the EU
  • Strengthen support at the EU level for digital bonds and the digital wholesale euro

The above recommendations aim to support the development of an efficient, effective, and internationally competitive EU bond market, enabling the bond market to serve EU policy objectives.

Bryan Pascoe, Chief Executive Officer of ICMA added “Bond markets have a key role to play in helping the EU address the transformational changes needed to support long-term sustainable development, innovation, competitiveness, and growth. ICMA is delighted to present this paper to highlight how bond markets can perform this function and how to enhance the EU regulatory framework for capital markets.”

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