Market analytics
Sustainable bond issuers database
Templates for issuers and reviewers

ICMA has entered into a partnership agreement with the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) to provide users with:

  • High level market analytics on sustainable bond issuance.
  • A database of issuers of bonds that are published in the LGX DataHub and declared by the issuer and/or an external reviewer to be aligned with the Green Bond Principles, the Social Bond Principles, the Sustainability Bond Guidelines or the Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles.

The data and analytics, provided via LuxSE’s LGX DataHub, are available under the “Market analytics” and “Sustainable bond issuers database” tabs.

Users should note that the database:

  • is not updated in “real time” but on a monthly basis;
  • covers exclusively issued bonds;
  • incorporates updates to external review reports and/or ICMA templates when related new issuances occur;
  • does not include the issuer bond frameworks which are available in the LGX DataHub;
  • does not cover issuances in China’s domestic market and those of certain US municipalities;
  • excludes issuers located in Russia.

The data is accessible at no cost to the users. Those wishing to have access to the full scope of data available should subscribe to the LGX DataHub. For more information, please contact lgxdatahub@luxse.com.


Market analytics
All sustainable bonds
Green bonds
Social bonds
Sustainability bonds
Sustainability-linked bonds
— All sustainable bonds

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— Green bonds

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— Social bonds

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— Sustainability bonds

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— Sustainability-linked bonds

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Sustainable bond issuers database

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Templates for issuers and reviewers

The purpose of the Sustainable Bond Issuers Database is to provide a holistic list of issuers that have issued bonds aligned with the Principles. Investors and other market participants reference this database for access to market wide issuance of green, social, sustainability and sustainability-linked bonds that are GBP/SBP/SBG/SLBP aligned.

Issuers wishing to be listed in the Database must complete and forward to the Secretariat, the relevant template and form (see below), and/or must have made publicly available their external review reports. Completed templates and forms for disclosure to the market should be sent to the Secretariat at: sustainabilitybonds@icmagroup.org.

Templates for issuers:

Pursuant to the Principles, the use of a summary, which reflects the main characteristics of a GSSS Bond or a GSSS Bond programme and illustrates its key features in alignment with the core components of the Principles, helps inform the market participants on a standardised format. This contributes to market transparency and clarifies issuers’ alignment with the Principles.

Issuers are thus encouraged to complete the templates for all programmes or transactions for which they wish to signal alignment with the GBP/SBP/SBG/SLBP recommendations.

Templates for external reviewers:

The Principles recommend that the external review reports be made publicly available on the bond issuer’s website and/or through any other accessible communication channel as appropriate, before or at the time of the issuance. The Guidelines for External Review recommend that the providers complete the External Review Form for Use of Proceeds Bonds or the External Review form for Sustainability-Linked Bonds. Such forms provide information on the role of the external reviewer when assessing the issuer’s sustainability framework, the scope of the review and the related methodology. This helps inform the market participants on a standardised format.



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