In September 2022, in recognition of the increasingly global nature of ICMA’s repo and collateral work, ICMA launched its Global Repo and Collateral Forum (GRCF). The GRCF aims to bring together repo market practitioners around the world to discuss repo and collateral developments from a global perspective.
The GRCF is open to all ICMA member firms that have an active interest in cross-border repo and collateral markets. This includes firms based in Europe, although it is important to note that the GRCF aims to complement rather than replace the ERCC, which will continue to be at the core of our repo and collateral work in Europe. The GRCF will meet at least on a quarterly basis and the date of the inaugural meeting will be announced in due course. Format and agenda of the GRCF are flexible and will be shaped by members, so we very much welcome any ideas, feedback or questions.
Topics discussed by the GRCF will include ICMA’s important legal work around the GMRA, but also other key global themes such as the ongoing drive for automation and digitisation as well as the role of sustainability in the repo market. Other topics include global regulatory trends and initiatives as well as best market practice. The GRCF will also provide a useful platform to discuss and further develop ICMA’s existing work to help develop stable and efficient repo markets across emerging economies, undertaken in close collaboration with Frontclear and other development institutions. In order to provide an additional forum specifically for those discussions, members decided to establish a new GRCF Working Group focused on New and Emerging Repo Markets, the GRCF EM WG, which will hold its kick-off session in January 2025.
If you are an ICMA member and would like to sign up for the GRCF distribution list or the GRCF distribution list or if you would like to share the GRCF EM WG or share any related ideas, feedback or questions, please send an email to
ICMA Quarterly Report article
ICMA’s new Global Repo and Collateral Forum, Q4 2022