Photos, speeches and presentations

Date: 25 June 2024

The 2024 Annual Conference of the Green, Social, Sustainability and Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles (collectively known as the “Principles”) was held in Amsterdam on Tuesday 25 June. The Principles are the leading framework globally for the issuance of sustainable bonds and are the de facto standard referenced by over 98% of sustainable bond issuance internationally. The Principles underpin a market representing $5 trillion of securities in stock, the largest source of debt capital finance available for sustainable projects and transition finance.

The full day conference agenda combined keynote speeches and panel discussions with leading market figures and experts in sustainable finance. It featured key updates on the 2024 guidance from the Principles, as well as the critical topics being debated in sustainable finance from a global perspective including transition finance, market integrity and regulation.

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08:30   Registration
09:00   Welcome remarks
Bryan Pascoe, Chief Executive, ICMA
09:15   Keynote address
Emmanuel Faber, Chair, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) (Virtual)
09:30   10-year anniversary of the GBP: a retrospective from its leadership
Open discussion between the incumbent and past chairs of the Executive Committee

  • Lars Eibeholm, Head of Sustainable Debt Capital Markets, SEB
  • Eila Kreivi, Chief Sustainable Finance Advisor, EIB
  • Isabelle Laurent, Deputy Treasurer and Chair of the Executive Committee of the Principles, EBRD
  • Denise Odaro, Managing Director, Head of ESG & Sustainability, PAI Partners
10:00   2024 innovations and guidance from the Principles

  • Angela Brusas, Director, Funding and Investor Relations, Nordic Investment Bank, and member of the Executive Committee of the Principles
  • Alban de Faÿ, Head of ESG and Green Fixed Income processes, Amundi and Vice chair of the Executive Committee of the Principles
  • Agnes Gourc, Head of Sustainable Capital Markets, BNP Paribas and Vice chair of the Executive Committee of the Principles
  • Isabelle Laurent, Deputy Treasurer, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Chair of the Executive Committee of the Principles
10:45   Break
11:15   Panel 1: Dutch leadership in sustainable finance
Moderator: Majoke Hegen, ESG Treasury Officer, NWB

  • Hans Biemans, Head of Sustainable Markets, ING
  • Isobel Edwards, Executive Director VP Green, Social and Impact Bonds, Goldman Sachs AM
  • Olivier Labe, CFO - Executive Board Member, BNG Bank N.V.
  • Margriet Rouhof, Head of Strategy & CSR, TenneT
  • Tabor Smeets, Manager, Capital Markets Integrity, Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets
12:00   Lunch
13:00   Keynote address
Ulf Erlandsson, CEO, Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute
View presentation slides
13:15   Panel 2: Enabling the transition with the sustainable bond market
Moderator: Paul O’Connor, Head of EMEA ESG Debt Capital Markets, J.P. Morgan Securities

  • Nicole Della Vedova, Finance Director, Snam SpA
  • Rahul Ghosh, Managing Director - Global Sustainable Finance, Moody's Ratings
  • Izuru Kobayashi, Deputy Director-General for Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
  • Samuel Mary, Senior Vice President, ESG Research Analyst, PIMCO
14:00   Panel 3: Perspectives on innovation and policy impact in the market
Moderator: Nicholas Pfaff, Deputy Chief Executive, Head of Sustainable Finance, ICMA

  • Ulf Erlandsson, CEO, Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute
  • Sean Kidney, CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative
  • Helena Vines Fiestas, Commissioner of the Spanish Financial Markets Authority & Chair of the EU PSF, Platform on Sustainable Finance (virtual)
14:45   Break
15:15   Fireside Chat: Regulatory and market developments in Asia
  • Mushtaq Kapasi, Managing Director & Head of ICMA Asia Pacific
  • Wei Kong, Partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm, Secretary General of Shanghai Green Finance Committee
  • Christine Kung, Senior Director, Head of International Affairs and Sustainable Finance, Securities and Futures Commission (Virtual)
15:40   Keynote address
Christa Clapp, Global Head of Sustainable Finance Market Analytics, S&P Global Ratings
15:50   Panel 4: Wider themes and priorities in the sustainable bond market
Moderator: Romina Reversi, Managing Director, Head of Sustainable Investment Banking, Americas, Crédit Agricole CIB

  • Maria Bazhanova, Senior Director, Co-head of ESG Ratings, EMEA, Sustainable Fitch
  • Modupe Famakinwa, Head of Funding and Investor Relations, Africa Finance Corporation
  • Colleen Keenan, Senior Financial Officer Investor Relations, World Bank
  • Mohsin Sharif, Senior ESG & Investor Relations Specialist, Islamic Development Bank
16:35   Closing remarks
Nicholas Pfaff, Deputy Chief Executive, Head of Sustainable Finance, ICMA
16:40   Networking reception
18:00   Event close
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