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26 Mar 2025
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我们很高兴宣布,ICMA 的年度活动中国债券市场论坛将于 2025 年 3 月重返北京,届时官方机构代表、发行人、投资者和其他市场参与者将齐聚一堂,参加为期一整天的重要活动,探讨中国国内和国际债券市场的最新市场和监管动态。


今年在北京举办的 ICMA 中国债券市场论坛吸引了近 400 名代表参加,其中包括活跃于跨境债券市场的董事总经理、顾问、银行家、投资者、市场基础设施提供商、律师以及学者和记者。

在北京举行的 ICMA 中国债券市场论坛2025上与国际资本市场见面。

We are pleased to announce that ICMA's flagship China Bond Market Forum will return to Beijing in March 2025, bringing together official sector representatives, issuers, investors, and other market participants for a seminal full-day event examining the latest market and regulatory developments in the Chinese domestic and international bond markets.

From aligning local primary market and documentation practices with international conventions to enhancing risk management tools such as through the use of repurchase agreements, the full-day agenda will combine keynote speeches and panel discussions with leading market figures and experts representing the full spectrum of market stakeholders in the Chinese bond markets with both local and international perspectives.

We look forward to building on the success of this year’s ICMA China Bond Market Forum in Beijing, which attracted nearly 400 delegates, including managing directors, consultants, bankers, investors, market infrastructure providers and lawyers active in the cross-border bond markets along with academics and journalists.

Meet the international capital market in Beijing at the 2025 ICMA China Bond Market Forum.


Sponsorship opportunities

目前开放多种赞助和参展机会。请联系 Luke ByrneVincci Xiao,预定您的参展机会。

There are a number of sponsorship and exhibition opportunities available. Please contact Luke Byrne and Vincci Xiao to reserve your space today. 


Conference agenda and registrations

2025 年论坛的全部议程将于 2025 年 1 月公布,届时也将同步开放报名注册。

如需咨询发言事宜,请联系 Vincci Xiao

The full 2025 Conference agenda will be announced in January 2025. Registrations will also open at this time.

For speaking enquiries, please contact Vincci Xiao.

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